Statins are the principal and the most effective class of drugs to reduce serum cholesterol levels and cardiovascular events in patients with or without coronary artery disease. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductaseby statins is leading not only to decreased synthesis of cholesterol but is affecting also synthesis of other substances.
Statins are the principal and the most effective class of drugs to reduce serum cholesterol levels and cardiovascular events in patients with or without coronary artery disease. Inhibition of HMG-CoA reductaseby statins is leading not only to decreased synthesis of cholesterol but is affecting also synthesis of other substances. Besides positive pleiotropic effects of statins (antiinflammatory, antithrombotic, antiproliferative and others) there are probably also negative ones, namely inhibition of geranyl pyrophosphate synthesis and subsequently dekaprenyl–4–bensoate which is precursor of coenzyme Q 10. Moreover statins inhibit endogenous synthesis of several selenoproteins ( cholesterol, CoQ10 and already mentioned selenoproteins share the same biosynthetic pathway which is inhibited by statins ). Coenzyme Q10 ( ubiquinone, ubidekarenone ) is one of the key substances in myocardial energetic metabolism and for cells membrane stability as well, when deficient, myocytes should be prone to damage in the form of myopathy or myositis, or even rhabdomyolysis. Selenium play very important role like antioxidant and its deficiency may lead to the development of arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy ( Keshan disease ), or peripheral muscle disease. Læs mere om Q10 og statins (på engelsk): Coenzym Q10 nedsætter bivirkninger fra kolesterolmedicin viser klinisk studie (90.53 kB)