En sund hjerne starter i tarmene



En kølig aften nær vores danske hovedstad er ca. 600 mennesker samlet for at lytte til en helt særlig amerikaner. Dr. David Perlmutter, en af verdens mest respekterede og førende hjerneforskere, vil fortælle om tarmenes uomtvistelige forbindelse med vores hjernes sundhed. Danske gastrolæger, neurologer, kræftlæger, endokrinologer og psykologer er også stille og roligt begyndt at kigge ud over kanten af deres siloer og erkende, at kroppen fungerer som ét hele – og flere af disse specialister befinder sig da også blandt publikum denne fredag aften i Hvidovre.


Af Pernille Borg
Artiklen blev bragt i magasinet sund-forskning – april/maj 2018


Hippokrates, lægehistoriens fader, havde allerede fat i den holistiske tankegang, da han flere hundrede år før Kristi fødsel ytrede disse ord og lagde grundstenen for lægevidenskaben: ”Lad din medicin være din mad og din mad være din medicin”. Ordene forsvandt desværre i støvede bøger, men nu får ny forskning og empiri stille og roligt ordene til at vinde indpas i vores bevidsthed igen.


Om eksperten Dr. David Perlmutter

David Perlmutter er neurolog og en internationalt anerkendt leder inden for hjerneforskning. Han er forfatter til en lang række bøger om hjernen, heriblandt bestselleren Grain Brain. David bor i Florida, hvor han til dagligt stadig praktiserer og hjælper mennesker med hjernelidelser lige fra ADHD til autisme og Alzheimers.

Han sidder i bestyrelsen i American College of Nutrition, er en meget brugt forelæser på Harvard og andre store medicinske institutioner i USA. Dr. Perlmutter har modtaget utallige priser, bl.a. Linus Pauling-prisen for hans innovative tilgang til neurologiske lidelser. Han er blevet interviewet i anerkendte og internationale TV-shows som Oprah, Larry King Live, Fox News, CNN, CBS og The Today Show.


En ydmyg hjerneforsker med et vigtigt budskab

sund-forskning har æren af at interviewe denne karismatiske og dybt sympatiske mand, før weekendens videnstunge seminar skydes i gang. Dr. David Perlmutter er en af verdens mest velrenommerede hjerneforskere i dag. Vi taler om glutens effekt på hjernen, om de mange positive oplevelser han har haft med svært syge patienter, der endte som raske velfungerende mennesker, da de ændrede kost og livsstil – og om, hvad det var, der fik ham til at arbejde med og ud fra denne særlige sammenhæng mellem hjerne og tarm.

David fortæller bl.a. om en tankevækkende oplevelse, som de fleste kæledyrsejere kan nikke genkendende til. Da hans hund pludseligt begyndte at tabe sin pels, gik de følgeligt til dyrlægen. Det allerførste, dyrlægen spurgte dem om, var: ”Hvad fodrer I jeres hund med?” Dette, for en dyrlæge, helt naturlige spørgsmål er vitterligt et spørgsmål, som alle læger bør stille deres patienter i dag, afslutter David. På lægestudiet lærer man dog intet om ernæring og om, hvad den kost, vi indtager, kan gøre ved vores krop og helbred. Og det er på trods af omfattende forskning, der påviser, at vores kost, vores miljø og vores livsstilsvalg har helt enorme konsekvenser for vores hjernes sundhed. De fleste neurologiske lidelser kan ikke helbredes med medicin. Fx kan ingen medicin i dag hverken kurere eller i længere tid afhjælpe progressionen af den frygtede lidelse, Alzheimers. Derimod kan den garantere dig en masse bivirkninger.


The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining

Disse ord kommer fra John F Kennedy og citeres denne kølige fredag aften af Dr. David Perlmutter. David deler derefter gavmildt ud af håndgribelige anbefalinger til kost og livsstilsændringer, der vil forebygge, og i flere tilfælde ligefrem helbrede, neurologiske lidelser. Vi har så mange undskyldninger, når det kommer til forebyggelse og livsstilsændringer, men David trykker på vores ømme punkt og spørger provokerende ud i salen: ”Hvad passer ind i dit travle skema – at motionere en time om dagen eller være død 24 timer i døgnet?”

Men hvad så, hvis taget allerede er ødelagt, tænker du måske nu … Heldigvis er det aldrig for sent at forsøge at reparere og forebygge hjernelidelser eller progressionen af disse.


Motionselskende søheste

Videnskaben har i årtier troet, at mennesket blot havde et medfødt antal hjerneceller at gøre godt med hele livet. Ligesom piger fødes med et vist antal æg i deres ovarier, så blev vi også født med et vist antal hjerneceller til brug på øverste etage. Disse hjerneceller ville så med tiden falme i både kvalitet og kvantitet. Dette var dogmet inden for neurologien i mange år og ikke noget, der kunne betvivles.

Men som med så meget andet, så ændrer forskning løbende vores viden og indsigt. I dag ved vi heldigvis, at denne antagelse ligger meget langt fra virkeligheden. Vi kan nemlig vokse nye hjerneceller hele livet igennem. De opstår endda, mens du sidder og læser denne artikel.

Hjerneceller dannes i hippocampus, hvilket også er et af de steder i hjernen, hvor man først kan se ændringer ved Alzheimers sygdom. Navnet hippocampus kommer sig af ligheden med søheste. Disse to små krogede hjernedele sidder i hver sin side af hjernen og er en del af vores limbiske system, den del af forhjernen, som er involveret i emotioner og korttidshukommelse. Disse små søheste stimuleres til at producere nye hjerneceller af et protein kaldet BDNF (Brain derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF er også en vigtig faktor i cellernes kommunikation. Flere forskningsstudier har påvist, at jo mere BDNF, der kan spores i vores blod, jo mindre er vores risiko for at udvikle demens og Alzheimers, og jo bedre er vores hukommelse.

Vi kan nemlig vokse nye hjerneceller hele livet igennem. De opstår endda, mens du sidder og læser denne artikel.

Kaffe har vist sig at kunne hæve BDNF-niveauerne i blodet. Man mener, det skyldes de aktive plantestoffer, polyfenoler, som findes i rige mængder i b.la. kaffe, te og mørk chokolade.

Et studie, som for nylig blev offentliggjort i ”Journal of Alzheimers Disease”, har fx påvist 50 % reduktion i risikoen for at udvikle Alzheimers ved regelmæssig motion. Motion er et af de mest effektive redskaber, vi har til at øge vores BDNF-niveauer. Andre studier viser også, at har man allerede udviklet Alzheimers, så kan udviklingen af sygdommen stadig nedsættes betydeligt med god moderat motion, fx med daglige gåture i den friske luft.

Det er et fysisk faktum, at hippocampus skrumper med alderen. Men den gode nyhed er, at denne proces kan bremses af motion. Vi kan ligefrem få hippocampus til at vokse!

Kvinder har i dag en 50/50 risiko for at udvikle Alzheimers. Man ved ikke med sikkerhed, hvorfor kvinder rammes oftere end mænd. Er man diabetiker, fordobles denne risiko yderligere, og den samme mekanisme gør sig gældende, hvis man er overvægtig eller har genetiske dispositioner. Men heldigvis kan du ændre dine gener! Den påstand bakkes op af flere og flere studier i dag. Du kan tænde for de gode og slukke for de dårlige, bl.a. via kost, motion og livsstilsændringer. Det er lige meget, om du løber, går, danser, hopper eller cykler, så øges dine BDNF-niveauer. Dvs. du gror nye hjerneceller, hippocampus vokser, og de kognitive centre i hjernen styrkes.


Drik kaffen, men skip romsneglen

Sådan lyder én af de mange anbefalinger fra David Perlmutter. Ifølge David er det ikke kanelet (red: cassia), vi skal frygte mest, når vi sætter tænderne i en romsnegl. Det glutenholdige mel og sukkeret har langt større og voldsommere konsekvenser for vores helbred.

Der er ingen skarpt optegnet vej over sammenhængen mellem gluten og Alzheimers i forskningen i dag. Men der findes utallige studier, der peger umiskendeligt i den retning. Der findes masser af forskning, der blotlægger glutens destruktive virkning på tarmenes beskyttende slimhinder. I nært samarbejde med vores bakterieflora passer slimhinderne i tarmen på vores helbred, men svækket kan de uforvarende medvirke til udviklingen af neurologiske lidelser lige fra en let depression til ADHD, autisme, demens og Alzheimers.


Den store stygge gluten

”Har du ikke cøliaki, så kan du blot fortsætte med at spise gluten”… det er den almindelige besked fra konventionelle medicinere i dag. Men Dr. David Perlmutter har i årevis oplevet tusinder af patienter blive helbredt,blot ved at fjerne gluten fra den daglige kost. Han og mange af hans forskningskolleger er af den overbevisning, at de fleste af os lever med en større eller mindre grad af glutenintolerance. Dvs. at vores organisme reagerer dårligt på gluten, og at de forskellige, store som små gener, vi hver især døjer med til dagligt, kan skyldes denne intolerance. Listen over tegn på glutensensitivitet er alenlang, men blandt de mest almindelige kan nævnes oppustet mave, mavesmerter, lind afføring eller forstoppelse, acne, hovedpiner, kognitive forstyrrelser som humørsvingninger, uro og irritation.

Migræne er ofte et tegn på glutensensitivitet, fortæller David Perlmutter.

David og hans forskning påviser, at du sagtens kan have neurologiske reaktioner på gluten uden at have nogen symptomer fra maven. Disse manglende symptomer fra maven er dog ikke ensbetydende med, at der ikke er ubalancer i dit mikrobiom.

De fleste af os kender nogen, som lider af en neurologisk lidelse. Måske er det et barn med ADHD, en deprimeret veninde, en elsket bedstemor med demens – eller måske endda ligefrem Alzheimers. Alle disse lidelser udspringer ifølge David Perlmutter i de allerfleste tilfælde fra et mikrobiom i ubalance. En dysbiose, som påvirker vores organismes vitamin- og mineralstatus, vores hormon- og stofskiftebalance, vores immunforsvar.

Har du som så mange andre et barn i en offentlig institution i dag, så ved du også, at de får store mængder af gluten hver uge. Og at du intet kan stille op, medmindre du kan fremvise en lægeerklæring på en fuldblussende cøliaki. Du kan dog hjælpe dit barns helbred med at lide så lidt overlast som muligt, hvis I hjemme undgår gluten, er varsomme med antibiotika og medicinforbrug, serverer varieret og fiberrig mad, vælger økologisk, undgår tilsætningsstoffer og kunstige sødemidler, og evt. supplerer med probiotika, D-vitamin og omega-3-olie.

Gliadin er navnet på det stygge protein i gluten, som kan gøre så megen skade på vores tarmes slimhinder. Proteinet medvirker til inflammation i hjernen og kan skabe leaky brain. Leaky brain er huller i blod-hjerne-barrieren på samme vis, som leaky gut er huller i tarmenes slimhinder. Mælkeproteinet kasein har samme uheldige egenskaber. Både børn og voksne med neurologiske lidelser vil derfor have stor glæde af at udelukke disse to ballademagere fra kosten. Resultaterne af en gluten- og mælkefri kost ses meget hurtigt hos de fleste børn med neurologiske lidelser, særligt hvis der suppleres med god probiotika, vitamin-D og fiskeolie.


Hullerne, der lukker forglemmelsens mørke ind

Når tarmslimhinden er hullet, betyder det, at affaldsstoffer og proteiner fra vores afføring kommer ud i vores blodbaner. Dette får kroppen til at danne naturlige inflammationskemikalier som fx cytokiner for at slå disse fremmedstoffer ned. Inflammation er involveret i en hel palet af sygdomme lige fra gigt til kræft og ikke mindst i neurologiske lidelser. Forskning har fx påvist, at inflammation er involveret ved både autisme og Alzheimers, og vi ved, at inflammation oftest har sin oprindelse i en ubalance i tarmenes mikrobiom.

I vores tyndtarm findes, blandt mange vigtige celler og bakterier, tusinder af bittesmå epithelceller, som dækker den indre overflade af tarmene. På hver epithelcelle sidder yderligere tusinder af små fimrehår kaldet mikrovilli. Disse fimrehår øger overfladearealet i tarmen og hjælper os med at optage næringen fra vores mad. Man har i studier set, at et stort indtag af gluten flader disse fimrehår ud, og dermed mindskes både vores evne til at optage næring, og styrken i slimhinderne svækkes. Alle epithelceller hænger sammen via kontaktpunkter kaldet tight junctions. Det er disse særlige barriereceller, som medvirker til at holde affaldsstoffer inde i tarmen. Men tight junctions kan nedbrydes af b.la. kemikalier, længerevarende stress, luftforurening, antibiotika og et stort glutenindtag, og så er det, at ”leaky gut” opstår. Sikkerheden i tarmbarrieren kompromitteres, og det baner vejen for inflammation, autoimmune sygdomme og neurologiske lidelser.


Kroppens små kraftværker

Hjernen er en stor energisluger. Den bruger mellem 20-25 % af al vores energi. Al den energi sørger vores små mitokondrier for. En enkelt human celle kan indeholde helt op til 1.000 mitokondrier. Mitokondrierne er små energicentre, som findes i alle vores celler med undtagelse af de røde blodceller. De udvikler kemisk energi i form af ATP (adenosintrifosfat). Mitokondrierne har deres eget DNA, og det er den gældende opfattelse i dag, at de oprindeligt stammer fra bakterier.

Disse små energicentre spiller en central rolle i vores hjernes sundhed. Inflammatoriske molekyler, der får adgang til blodbanen fx via huller i tarmen eller huller i blod-hjerne-barrieren, vil angribe vores mitokondrier. Fejlfunktion i mitokondrierne er sat i forbindelse med lidelser som autisme og Alzheimers, men også diabetes.

Denne fejlfunktion kan heldigvis rettes op med livsstilsændringer, der bl.a. omfatter daglig moderat motion samt en kost, hvor størstedelen af energien kommer fra fedt og ikke kulhydrater. Mitokondrierne foretrækker nemlig overraskende nok at få deres næring gennem fedt og deres energi via aerob motion.


Kolesterolet beskytter vores hjerne

Det meget berømte Framingham Heart Study, som oprindeligt var tilrettelagt for at identificere risikofaktorer ved hjerte-kar-sygdomme, endte med også at afsløre risikofaktorer ved andre lidelser, bl.a. hjernesygdomme. Studiet påviste fx, at jo højere kolesterolniveauer, der sås i forsøgspersonernes plasma, des bedre var deres kognitive hjernefunktion. David siger, at det er en stor og meget uheldig misforståelse, at kolesterol er farligt for os. Denne påstand er han langt fra alene om i dag. Mere og mere forskning bakker op om kolesterolets gavnlige effekter på vores helbred. Hans råd er derfor: Fjern sukkeret, skær ned på kulhydraterne, og spis godt med sundt fedt. Så giver du hjernen de bedste vilkår.


Bakterierne og deres epigenetiske dans med vores DNA

Vores mikrobiom er meget dynamisk. Det er i konstant forandring som en reaktion på vores omgivelser. Vores tarmbakterier reagerer fx på den medicin, vi tager, den mad, vi spiser, de tanker, vi gør os, den luft, vi indånder – og endda de mennesker, vi berører.

Når mikrobiomet påvirkes, så påvirkes også vores DNA. Bakterierne kommunikerer nemlig med vores DNA. Det er denne fine kontakt mellem vores bakterier og vores DNA, som afgør vores biologi og i sidste ende vores livslængde. Det betyder også, at vi rent faktisk via motion, tanker og kost kan ændre på vores DNA. Det er ikke låst fast fra fødslen, vi har hele livet muligheden for at påvirke vores gener i den ene eller den anden retning – alt efter de valg, vi træffer.


Husk at fodre dine bakterier

Præbiotika er mad for dine tarmbakterier. Det får dem til at formere sig og blive stærke. Spis gerne de inulinholdige fødevarer som løg, hvidløg, asparges, jordskokker, mælkebøtte og artiskokker og fermenteret mad som fx sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi og kombucha. Præbiotika kan fås som kosttilskuddet ”FOS”.

Hvis man vil støtte sundheden i sine tarme med mælkesyrebakterier, probiotika, så er det altid en god retningslinje at købe produkter med så mange forskellige stammer som muligt og med så mange af dem som muligt. David fremhæver særligt disse grundlæggende stammer, som i utallige forsøg har vist sig effektive ved både dysbioser og hjernelidelser:


Lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis og Bifidobacterium longum. Alle fem kan de styrke tarmslimhinden og reducere tarmens permabilitet ved at reducere inflammationsmolekylet LPS, som kan være farligt, hvis det trænger ind i blodbanen. Bakterierne øger også den tidligere nævnte BDNF-faktor og opretholder generelt en overordnet balance i tarmene.


Det er særligt bakteriestammen lactobacillus plantarum, som har vist positive resultater inden for neurologiske lidelser. Men da 80 % af al forskningsmaterialet i vores mikrobiom er skrevet inden for de sidste syv til otte år, står vi stadig kun ved starten af en kæmpe rejse gennem vores tarme. Sat i perspektiv, så består menneskets mikrobiom af ca. tre millioner gener – hvorimod kroppens humane celler ”kun” består af 23.000 gener.

2 tsk. fækalier indeholder mere informationsmateriale, end der kan ligge på alle verdens computere!

Vi har derfor kun set toppen af isbjerget i dag. Der er så utroligt megen information i vores DNA, i vores milliarder af tarmvenlige bakterier, så der er måske ikke noget underligt i den store indflydelse, disse bakterier har på resten af vores organisme.

I dag forskes der mere og mere i fækal-transplantationer, og David fortæller også om flere mirakuløse helbredelser med denne metode. Svært syge autistiske børn er blevet velfungerende igen efter fækal-transplantationer, endog blot efter probiotiske lavementer. Indtil videre benyttes fækal-transplantationer på danske sygehuse ved svære Clostridium difficile* angreb og endnu ikke på neurologiske lidelser, men det mener David blot er et spørgsmål om tid (*Clostridium difficile er en almindeligt forekommende bakterie i vores tarmflora, men forskellige faktorer kan få den til at vokse uhæmmet og gøre den farlig for vores helbred).


Davids gode råd til en sund og skarp hjerne

  1. Dyrk dagligt motion*, det øger dine BDNF-niveauer, øger peristaltikken i tarmene, normaliserer blodsukkeret og øger kroppens naturlige afgiftning – alt sammen noget, der styrker vores hippocampus.
  2. Dyrk motion – det er ikke en fejl, at det nævnes igen.
  3. Skær ned på de hurtige kulhydrater, hold dig til de komplekse (grove grøntsager og en lille smule frugt, helst bær). Så skåner du blodsukkeret, tarmens slimhinder og dermed også din hjerne.
  4. Skru op for fedtet. Alle vores celler har brug for fedt for at fungere optimalt. Og det skal være det sunde fedt, dvs. ikke det, som man finder i pomfritter og i stegt bacon. Spis hjernesund olivenolie, kærnet smør og en god jomfru kokosolie hver dag. Undlad helt, eller begræns så vidt muligt, brugen af planteolier som vindrue, majs og solsikke.
  5. Sørg for at have så mange farver på din tallerken som muligt.
  6. Spis løs af præbiotika, så dine tarmbakterier får de bedste vilkår.
  7. Brug probiotika, hver gang du får antibiotika, eller hvis du lider af et skrantende helbred eller er født ved kejsersnit.


* tab ikke helt modet, hvis du af en eller anden årsag ikke kan motionere – måske du lige er blevet opereret eller af andre årsager ikke kan bevæge dig særligt meget. Forskning har nemlig vist, at hvis man dagligt visualiserer motion, altså forestiller sig, at man går en tur, løber eller træner, så ændrer strukturerne sig i hjernen og dermed også den kemi, som fordrer en sund hjerne.

Det er vigtigt, at du laver om på din kost og din brug af kosttilskud i dit eget tempo. Tag dig al den tid, du har brug for til at gøre noget ved dine hjemlige omgivelser, og køb probiotika af høj kvalitet. Men du skal gøre dig klart, at jo hurtigere du sætter anbefalingerne i værk, og jo mere du holder dig til dem, jo før vil du mærke – og sikkert også se – resultater. Det handler ikke bare om at forbedre din indre sundhed. Din teint vil blive smuk. Dit taljemål bliver mindre. Og alle de uhåndgribelige detaljer ved dig – dine følelser, dit energiniveau, din evne til at udrette noget og få tingene fra hånden – vil ændre sig til det bedre.


Hjernesunde fødevarer (fra Davids seneste bog ”hjernens nye liv”)

Grøntsager: bladgrønt som salat, spinat, broccoli, grønkål, bladbede, hvidkål, løg, champignoner, blomkål, rosenkål, artiskok, lucernespirer, grønne bønner, bladselleri, bok choy, radiser, brøndkarse, kålrabi, asparges, hvidløg, porrer, fennikel, ingefær, jicama (mexicansk rodfrugt), persille, avokado, peberfrugt, agurk, tomat, squash, græskar, aubergine, citron.

Fermenterede fødevarer: yoghurt, frugt- og grøntsagspickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, fermenteret kød, fisk og æg.

Sundt fedt: ekstra jomfru olivenolie, sesamolie, kokosolie, kærnet smør fra dyr på græs, ghee (klaret smør), mandelmælk, avokado, kokosnød, oliven, nødder og nøddesmør, ost (med undtagelse af blåskimmelost) og ikke mindst frø (hørfrø, solsikkefrø, græskarkerner, sesamfrø og chiafrø).

Protein: hele æg (gerne blødkogte), fritlevende fisk (laks, kulmule, guldmakrel, havaborre, sild, ørred, sardin), skal- og bløddyr (rejer, krabber, hummer, muslinger og østers), kød og fjerkræ fra græsfodrede dyr, vildtkød.

Krydderier og alle krydderurter. Derudover sennep, peberrod, oliventapenade og salsa (hvis de er fri for gluten, soja og sukker).

Husk at vælge økologisk, når det kan lade sig gøre – og gå i en stor bue uden om gluten, slik, forarbejdede og genmodificerede fødevarer.

Det kan varmt anbefales at besøge Davids website, som er spækket med information, gode råd og henvisninger til al den solide forskning, der er på området: www.drperlmutter.com.

Derudover er hans seneste bog udkommet på dansk, ”Hjernens nye liv”, hvor du også vil finde flere sider med henvisning til forskningen bag. Bogen er utroligt berigende læsning for alle med interesse i egen sundhed, fyldt med viden, gode råd og hjernesunde opskrifter.

Godt nyt for alle dem, som ikke nåede at deltage i hans seminar i år! Der er nemlig gode chancer for, at David Perlmutter gæster Danmark igen i 2018.


399 thoughts on “En sund hjerne starter i tarmene

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are the most effective, delicious and convenient way to take your daily dose of CBD. Each delicious, calming, vegan gummy contains only 15 calories and helps you so support stress and anxiety throughout the day.CBD is short for Cannabidiol – one of over 120 known compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa L.) while Gummies are delicious, sweet cubes of delight that can be taken anywhere and offer the perfect way to get all the benefits of CBD while on the move. CBD is the second most prevalent compound in the plant, is non-intoxicating and has been shown to help ease anxiety, improve sleep and promote muscle recovery by supporting the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is to maintain homeostasis (balance) across all of the vital systems within the human body. CBD interacts with the ECS receptors distributed throughout our brains and nervous systems, helping to regulate functions including appetite, sleep, inflammation and pain response.How long before I feel the effects of a CBD Gummy? The average time from eating a gummy to feeling the effects is around 30 minutes and the daily recommended dose is 70mg which leaves room for a morning, noon and evening treat. Embrace the art of relaxation everyday.HOW MANY AND WHEN DO I TAKE CBD GUMMIES?There is no right or wrong answer. If you are using CBD for pre-work anxiety, take one when you wake up. If you are looking to stay composed before a presentation, take one at the office. If you are searching for a more refined sleeping pattern, consider having your gummies up to an hour before you go to bed.Our CBD Gummies are contained in a compact tub and box so you can take your CBD with you wherever you go. Our packaging is also fully recyclable.Goodrays UK CBD gummies are packed with 25mg of premium quality CBD. Most consumers feel the full benefits of CBD after a 25mg dose while other more experienced users may require more. Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. While CBD is non-toxic, we recommend you don’t exceed 70mg per day as a general rule. Check out our 5 star reviews on the product page to see what our customers have to say!WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are a delicious compact and discrete way to consumer CBD. The CBD is infused with delicious, natural jellies for maximum enjoyment. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF CBD GUMMIES? Every consumer is different but CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. ARE CBD GUMMIES AS EFFECTIVE AS OTHER CBD PRODUCTS? Yes CBD gummies are effective as other CBD products but for the fastest effects we always recommend CBD oils, taken sublingually so they can be absorbed quicker WHAT EFFECTS SHOULD I EXPECT FROM CBD GUMMIES? CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. HOW MANY CBD GUMMIES SHOULD I EAT? Between 2 – 3 gummies per day. HOW LONG DO THE EFFECTS OF CBD GUMMIES LAST? The effects of CBD last a few hours but for the best long-term affects we recommend that consumers use CBD daily to support the body’s natural Endocannabinoid System. DO CBD GUMMIES CONTAIN THC? No, all our products contain 0 THC ARE CBD EDIBLES EGAL? Yes, CBD oil is legal. Approved products are listed under the FSA’s Public List of Novel Food products which can be found here: https://data.food.gov.uk/cbd-products.

  • WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are the most effective, delicious and convenient way to take your daily dose of CBD. Each delicious, calming, vegan gummy contains only 15 calories and helps you so support stress and anxiety throughout the day.CBD is short for Cannabidiol – one of over 120 known compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa L.) while Gummies are delicious, sweet cubes of delight that can be taken anywhere and offer the perfect way to get all the benefits of CBD while on the move. CBD is the second most prevalent compound in the plant, is non-intoxicating and has been shown to help ease anxiety, improve sleep and promote muscle recovery by supporting the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is to maintain homeostasis (balance) across all of the vital systems within the human body. CBD interacts with the ECS receptors distributed throughout our brains and nervous systems, helping to regulate functions including appetite, sleep, inflammation and pain response.How long before I feel the effects of a CBD Gummy? The average time from eating a gummy to feeling the effects is around 30 minutes and the daily recommended dose is 70mg which leaves room for a morning, noon and evening treat. Embrace the art of relaxation everyday.HOW MANY AND WHEN DO I TAKE CBD GUMMIES?There is no right or wrong answer. If you are using CBD for pre-work anxiety, take one when you wake up. If you are looking to stay composed before a presentation, take one at the office. If you are searching for a more refined sleeping pattern, consider having your gummies up to an hour before you go to bed.Our CBD Gummies are contained in a compact tub and box so you can take your CBD with you wherever you go. Our packaging is also fully recyclable.Goodrays UK CBD gummies are packed with 25mg of premium quality CBD. Most consumers feel the full benefits of CBD after a 25mg dose while other more experienced users may require more. Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. While CBD is non-toxic, we recommend you don’t exceed 70mg per day as a general rule. Check out our 5 star reviews on the product page to see what our customers have to say!WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are a delicious compact and discrete way to consumer CBD. The CBD is infused with delicious, natural jellies for maximum enjoyment. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF CBD GUMMIES? Every consumer is different but CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. ARE CBD GUMMIES AS EFFECTIVE AS OTHER CBD PRODUCTS? Yes CBD gummies are effective as other CBD products but for the fastest effects we always recommend CBD oils, taken sublingually so they can be absorbed quicker WHAT EFFECTS SHOULD I EXPECT FROM CBD GUMMIES? CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. HOW MANY CBD GUMMIES SHOULD I EAT? Between 2 – 3 gummies per day. HOW LONG DO THE EFFECTS OF CBD GUMMIES LAST? The effects of CBD last a few hours but for the best long-term affects we recommend that consumers use CBD daily to support the body’s natural Endocannabinoid System. DO CBD GUMMIES CONTAIN THC? No, all our products contain 0 THC ARE CBD EDIBLES EGAL? Yes, CBD oil is legal. Approved products are listed under the FSA’s Public List of Novel Food products which can be found here: https://data.food.gov.uk/cbd-products.

  • CBD Gummies – Cannabidiol Gummies Discover the pinnacle of CBD indulgence with CBD Guru’s exquisite CBD Gummies. Crafted with precision and care, our premium CBD Gummies UK are designed to elevate your wellness routine to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of natural relief and delightful flavours, all packed into each delicious gummy variety. At CBD Guru, we take pride in sourcing the highest-quality hemp extracts to create products that transcend ordinary CBD edibles. Our CBD Gummies are meticulously formulated to provide a consistent and reliable CBD experience, ensuring you receive the full benefits of this remarkable compound. CBD sweets and gummies are precisely as they sound – delicious gummy sweets that deliver cannabidiol. They can be infused with a variety of CBD infusions, ingredients, and flavours. The design can be simple, extravagant, decadent, and everything in between. When it comes to choosing the best CBD sweets & edibles, you’ll have to take the time to find ones that speak to your taste buds. Premium Quality: We use only the finest hemp extracts, ensuring a pure and potent CBD product. Delicious Flavours: Indulge in a variety of mouth-watering flavours that make incorporating CBD into your routine a tasty delight. Trusted Transparency: With CBD Guru, you can trust the transparency of our products. Our products are third-party lab tested for quality and potency. Wellness Beyond Ordinary: Elevate your well-being with the natural benefits of CBD, known for its potential to support relaxation and balance.

  • WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are the most effective, delicious and convenient way to take your daily dose of CBD. Each delicious, calming, vegan gummy contains only 15 calories and helps you so support stress and anxiety throughout the day.CBD is short for Cannabidiol – one of over 120 known compounds found in the cannabis/hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa L.) while Gummies are delicious, sweet cubes of delight that can be taken anywhere and offer the perfect way to get all the benefits of CBD while on the move. CBD is the second most prevalent compound in the plant, is non-intoxicating and has been shown to help ease anxiety, improve sleep and promote muscle recovery by supporting the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. The role of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is to maintain homeostasis (balance) across all of the vital systems within the human body. CBD interacts with the ECS receptors distributed throughout our brains and nervous systems, helping to regulate functions including appetite, sleep, inflammation and pain response.How long before I feel the effects of a CBD Gummy? The average time from eating a gummy to feeling the effects is around 30 minutes and the daily recommended dose is 70mg which leaves room for a morning, noon and evening treat. Embrace the art of relaxation everyday.HOW MANY AND WHEN DO I TAKE CBD GUMMIES?There is no right or wrong answer. If you are using CBD for pre-work anxiety, take one when you wake up. If you are looking to stay composed before a presentation, take one at the office. If you are searching for a more refined sleeping pattern, consider having your gummies up to an hour before you go to bed.Our CBD Gummies are contained in a compact tub and box so you can take your CBD with you wherever you go. Our packaging is also fully recyclable.Goodrays UK CBD gummies are packed with 25mg of premium quality CBD. Most consumers feel the full benefits of CBD after a 25mg dose while other more experienced users may require more. Each pack contains 30 gummies designed to last you between 2 weeks and a month, depending on your preferred daily dosage. While CBD is non-toxic, we recommend you don’t exceed 70mg per day as a general rule. Check out our 5 star reviews on the product page to see what our customers have to say!WHAT ARE CBD GUMMIES? CBD Gummies are a delicious compact and discrete way to consumer CBD. The CBD is infused with delicious, natural jellies for maximum enjoyment. WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF CBD GUMMIES? Every consumer is different but CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. ARE CBD GUMMIES AS EFFECTIVE AS OTHER CBD PRODUCTS? Yes CBD gummies are effective as other CBD products but for the fastest effects we always recommend CBD oils, taken sublingually so they can be absorbed quicker WHAT EFFECTS SHOULD I EXPECT FROM CBD GUMMIES? CBD gummies have a range of health benefits such as providing calm, promoting relaxation, relieving inflammation, reducing nausea and supporting healthy sleep patterns. HOW MANY CBD GUMMIES SHOULD I EAT? Between 2 – 3 gummies per day. HOW LONG DO THE EFFECTS OF CBD GUMMIES LAST? The effects of CBD last a few hours but for the best long-term affects we recommend that consumers use CBD daily to support the body’s natural Endocannabinoid System. DO CBD GUMMIES CONTAIN THC? No, all our products contain 0 THC ARE CBD EDIBLES EGAL? Yes, CBD oil is legal. Approved products are listed under the FSA’s Public List of Novel Food products which can be found here: https://data.food.gov.uk/cbd-products.

  • How many CBD gummies should I start with? If you are new to CBD we recommend starting off with a lower dose. Your metabolism and body weight will also determine how many gummies you should take and how long it will take the for it to take effect. All of our packaging comes with recommended guidelines. Are your gummies Vegan? Yes. We’re proud to say that all of our gummies are 100 vegan and made with plant-based ingredients and do not contain any animal products or by products. How do CBD gummies work? Taking our edibles is convenient, efficient, and effective method for introducing the potential benefits of cannabidiol into your body. The cannabinoids in gummies are processed through your digestive system and interact with receptors located throughout your body. Are CBD gummies safe to take? In the UK, CBD gummies are classified as food supplements, so they must abide by the same regulations as other products within this category. This requires all ingredients to be safe and for clear labelling to be present, along with a straightforward description that accurately reflects the product being sold. How long does it take CBD Gummies to kick in? We get asked a lot about how long it takes for our gummies to kick in, and the the answer is, it can vary from person to person. Factors like your body weight, metabolism, and the strength and dosage of the gummies can all play a role. But in general, you can expect to start feeling the effects within 30 minutes to an hour after eating them. It’s important to keep in mind that the effects can last for several hours, so be patient and give them some time to work their magic. We recommend starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing until you find what works best for you. What do CBD Gummies do to your body? ccording to a recent report by Harvard University, there is some evidence to show that CBD gummies can improve a number of issues, ranging from stress to helping you switch off at night. Try them for yourself and always speak to a doctor first!Can you get high from taking CBD gummies? A question our customer services team often gets asked is: Can you get high from CBD gummies? The answer is No. Our gummies are specifically formulated to contain 0 THC. THC is the compound that’s responsible for the psychoactive effects that you would associate with marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive compound that doesn’t cause any of the mind-altering effects.

  • Getting your daily dose of CBD has just got even easier with SupremeCBD thanks to our range of mouth watering CBD Gummies. Our CBD Gummies are designed to be easy to take, easy to store, and easy to have while you’re out and about. All you have to do is simply pop your grab bag or tub in your bag for easy reach when you need them most. And because our gummies are the size of most jelly sweets, they’re the perfect addition to your morning routine and easy to take. CBD Gummies are also one of the best ways to take your CBD safe in the knowledge that they’ll be working their magic and providing beneficial goodness for hours. Our Grab Bags Are Perfect For Taking CBD Gummies On The Go If you have a busy lifestyle – family, work, kids – it’s easy to forget about taking your CBD when you need it, which is why we have you covered. To make it easy to get your regular dose of CBD you can now buy our CBD gummies in handy grab-bags, as well as our recyclable tubs. And not only that, we now offer an amazing variety of delicious flavours and shapes, ranging from worms and strawberries, to our mouth watering cherries and bears. So now you never need a reason to miss your CBD, all you have to do is pop them in your hand bag, gym bag, or even pop them in your pocket and you’ll always have them within reach, ensuring you never miss your dose. How Many Gummies Can You Take? This is a question we get asked a lot. Understanding the right amount of CBD gummies you should take depends on a couple of factors, 1) Your desired effect 2) your individual tolerance and body weight. At SupremeCBD we understand that everyone’s needs and preferences are unique which is why we put together this handy blog: “how many gummies should I eat?”. But if you’re looking for a quick answer, we recommend starting with one gummy and waiting for about an hour to see how it affects you. If you feel the need to increase your dosage try taking another edible until you find an amount that works for you. One thing you can be sure of is that each of our CBD gummies are carefully made to offer you a delicious, and enjoyable way to maintain your overall physical and mental well-being. If you have any questions feel fee to contact our team. Alternatively you can always consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or are unsure about the right dosage for you. 100 Gluten Free and Vegan CBD Gummies Did we forget to mention that our CBD edibles can be enjoyed by all? Whether you have an intolerance to gluten or you are vegan, we have made sure you can still enjoy our delicious range of CBD gummies. All of our gummies are 100 gluten-free and vegan, making them a perfect choice if you have specific dietary requirements. Looking after all of our customers is important to us which is why we have meticulously crafted our edibles to provide you with a guilt-free way to enjoy the benefits of CBD everyday. Our Customers and Ambassadors Love Our CBD Gummies

  • How to take CBD Gummies for the best results: There are many benefits of CBD Gummies, but the question of how to take them is still a bit mysterious. Here are some of the most common questions and answers.You can also read more about their ingredients. You may also be interested in how to take them at work. After all, how can CBD gummy help you in the office? Let’s find out! Keep reading! Then, you will be able to decide if they are for you!  Taking CBD Gummies with you to work is a convenient way to boost your energy levels and combat anxiety. These tasty treats do not take up much space and will not disturb your day. Besides, there are no obvious side effects that will draw attention to your consumption.These tasty Gummies are as harmless as any other supplement or medication. So, you can use them without worrying about being judged or ridiculed. CBD is an effective pain reliever. When taken regularly, these Gummies can significantly boost your energy levels. It has been shown that CBD improves the ECS, which regulates sleep-wake cycles. This in turn leads to less pain.CBD Gummies offer a delicious way to boost your energy levels and get the rest you need at work. For optimal results, use a single dose every day CBD Gummies are a popular way to supplement your CBD intake. They are made from hemp extracts and come in a variety of flavours. CBD Gummies dosing:osing depends on your body’s tolerance to cannabidiol (CBD) and how much you’re willing to consume. They are easy to take, but the proper dosage for you will depend on your weight and the strength of the gummy.CBD is a compound extracted from the hemp plant, a member of the cannabis plant family. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and is known as CBD oil. Dosage will depend on the desired effects. The recommended dose for adults is 0.25mg to 0.5mg per kilogram of body weight. Regular CBD dosages will improve immune function, limit environmental hypersensitivity, and reduce minor discomfort.You can double your dosage to 0.5mg every 8 hours or up to twice a day. If you feel like you need more CBD, you can double or triple it. To take CBD in gummies, you can either take one or two gummies once or twice a day.  Taking CBD Gummies with you everywhere:

  • How many CBD gummies should I start with? If you are new to CBD we recommend starting off with a lower dose. Your metabolism and body weight will also determine how many gummies you should take and how long it will take the for it to take effect. All of our packaging comes with recommended guidelines. Are your gummies Vegan? Yes. We’re proud to say that all of our gummies are 100 vegan and made with plant-based ingredients and do not contain any animal products or by products. How do CBD gummies work? Taking our edibles is convenient, efficient, and effective method for introducing the potential benefits of cannabidiol into your body. The cannabinoids in gummies are processed through your digestive system and interact with receptors located throughout your body. Are CBD gummies safe to take? In the UK, CBD gummies are classified as food supplements, so they must abide by the same regulations as other products within this category. This requires all ingredients to be safe and for clear labelling to be present, along with a straightforward description that accurately reflects the product being sold. How long does it take CBD Gummies to kick in? We get asked a lot about how long it takes for our gummies to kick in, and the the answer is, it can vary from person to person. Factors like your body weight, metabolism, and the strength and dosage of the gummies can all play a role. But in general, you can expect to start feeling the effects within 30 minutes to an hour after eating them. It’s important to keep in mind that the effects can last for several hours, so be patient and give them some time to work their magic. We recommend starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing until you find what works best for you. What do CBD Gummies do to your body? ccording to a recent report by Harvard University, there is some evidence to show that CBD gummies can improve a number of issues, ranging from stress to helping you switch off at night. Try them for yourself and always speak to a doctor first!Can you get high from taking CBD gummies? A question our customer services team often gets asked is: Can you get high from CBD gummies? The answer is No. Our gummies are specifically formulated to contain 0 THC. THC is the compound that’s responsible for the psychoactive effects that you would associate with marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive compound that doesn’t cause any of the mind-altering effects.

  • Where can you find some of the best tasting CBD gummies in the UK? Easy, you can find them all here on Orange County CBD. Our range of CBD gummy bears and CBD sweets are a delicious and discreet way to get your daily dose of CBD. We stock only vegan CBD gummies, making them accessible to everyone! What Are CBD Gummies? CBD gummies pair all the benefits of CBD with the great taste of gummy sweets. Made using our multi-award-winning CBD and the finest, vegan-friendly gummy recipes, our CBD gummies are the easy to dose, easy to take and undeniably delicious – making them the perfect choice for newbies! How many CBD gummies should I eat? All of our CBD gummy sweets come with a recommended dose right on the label. However, the number of gummies you take in a single session may vary depending on your own health and wellness goals. Your metabolism, body weight and even your diet will all determine how many you’ll need to feel the effects, but our CBD gummies are a super easy way to find the right dose for you. What is CBD used for? Popular uses include helping to maintain a good sleep wake cycle,easing tension in overworked limbsand assisting in pain management. It also helps for maintaining focus and taking the edge off of the most stressful days. How long does it take for CBD to work? CBD gummies are edibles, meaning that they need to pass through the digestive system before taking effect. This means that it takes longer for the effects of a CBD gummy to take effect, anywhere between 30 minutes and 2 hours in most cases.This slower release means that the effects of edibles last longer, often for three to four hours after dosing. It also means that the effects of the CBD are spread all throughout the body, helping to ease tension everywhere. How will CBD make me feel? BD gummies bring a sense of relaxation, an easing of tension and a soothing of pains. This happens because the CBD within the gummies binds with endocannabinoid receptors – a naturally occurring series of receptors found on organs all across the human body. This action is what gives CBD it’s famously smooth and relaxing impact. CBD gummies are one of the easiest and most straightforward ways of getting this signature kick. Do you sell Vegan CBD gummies? Orange County is proudly plant-powered: all our CBD Edibles are made from 100 vegan ingredients. You can enjoy the succulent taste of juicy Cherries, Peaches and Strawberries without compromising your ethics or dietary preferences. Plus, our CBD oil is sourced from 100 organically-grown hemp. Our vegan-friendly CBD edibles are made with top-quality ingredients and packed with organic broad-spectrum CBD. Are your CBD gummies halal/kosher? Halal roughly translates to ‘lawful’ or ‘permissible’ in English: this is a term used in the Quran to describe practices that adhere to Islamic law. Under Islamic practices, substances that ‘curtain the mind’ are considered the opposite of Halal, otherwise known as Haram, meaning ‘impermissible’ or ‘unlawful’. THC is considered Haram, as it is an intoxicating substance. However, CBD has no psychoactive properties. Here at Orange County, our products are sent off for third-party laboratory testing to ensure the level of THC is undetectable. Therefore, our CBD gummies are halal. ‘Kosher’ is a term used in Judaism to describe strict dietary rules. Outlined in the Torah, Kosher laws dictate that those practising Judaism should not consume gelatin, which is made from the bones and ligaments of cows and pigs.

  • These reputable brands are recognised for their dedication to quality, transparent sourcing and manufacturing practices, as well as positive feedback from customers. However, it is vital to consider that the optimal selection for you may be influenced by your personal preferences and specific necessities.It’s advisable to explore different brands and read reviews to find the best CBD Gummies that align with your needs and taste preferences. 

  • CBD GUMMIES Our CBD Gummies give you a flavourful blast of wellness-boosting CBD, with a wide variety of formulations to choose from. Our gummies have been formulated for everything from sleep and superfood supplements to multivitamins, diet aids, and more! If you’re looking for a CBD product that’s sweet on the taste buds and potent enough to serve your wellness needs — no matter what those needs are — we’ve got just the gummy for you! CBD is a great natural wellness product, due to the way it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps the body maintain homeostasis (balance) in several of its key functions, including mood, memory, sleep, appetite, pain and inflammation, motor control, and more. Because it’s sort of a Swiss Army knife when it comes to overall wellness, CBD is an ideal compound to match with other vitamins and nutrients to make a more robust wellness aid. CBDfx’s gummy collection gives a wide range of products, from the original mixed-berry CBD-only gummies to multivitamins for men and women to superfoods, like turmeric and spirulina, to an apple cider vinegar gummy, to a restful sleep formulation, and a biotin gummy for hair and nails. All of these gummies have great nutrient profiles and are a healthy way to add pure, natural CBD to your daily regimen. And as gummies, they taste great, too!! CBD Gummies: A Delicious Way to Enjoy CBDWhat Are CBD Gummies?CBD gummies are edible products that contain hemp-derived CBD. These small, round chewables look and taste much like the sweets that are so loved for their burst of flavour and chewability — only our gummies pack a CBD punch! Our CBD gummies not only contain organic broad spectrum CBD, but also other all-natural ingredients. These ingredients give you delicious flavour and delightful texture, plus additional benefits to help you maximise your CBD experience. Our CBD Sleep Gummies contain restful passion flower and chamomile. We have other CBD gummy formulations that make use of a variety of essential nutrients. Our Turmeric and Spirulina CBD Gummies harness the antioxidant and wellness benefits of two powerful superfoods. Our Apple Cider Vinegar CBD Gummies are great for dieting and gut health. And our Multivitamin CBD Gummies give you your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, plus the added wellness benefits of CBD. Whatever your wellness needs, we have a tasty, chewy CBD gummy for you!The Benefits of CBD GummiesWellness Benefits: CBD itself is one of the most popular wellness products on the market today. This is due, in large part, to the effect of CBD on the body’s endocannabinoid system. CBD and other cannabinoids mimic the body’s own endocannabinoids, which interact with receptors in a variety of organs and systems throughout the body, allowing them to maintain homeostasis (or balance). This helps the body to regulate such crucial functions as sleep, appetite, mood, motor control, memory, pain management, immune function, stress management, and much more. It’s these wellness benefits that make a CBD product like our gummies such a great health supplement to have around the house, whether it’s for a morning nutrition boost or a great night’s sleep.Convenience: CBD-infused gummies are a convenient (and tasty!) way to get a daily wellness blast of CBD. Gummies are also easy to use. There’s no measuring hemp oil or filling a CBD vapouriser. You simply eat them! Just remember that our gummies are not your traditional sweets, and you should adhere to our recommended dosage.Consistent Dosage: With consistent dosage in every chewable gummy, these popular products give you the peace of mind of knowing exactly how much CBD you’re taking with every one of our sweets.Delicious Flavour: Every gummy in our CBD Gummies collection has delicious natural fruit flavour, making them an absolute treat to eat — with no additives or preservatives!Non-Intoxicating: All of our gummies adhere to UK CBD legislation and are under the legal threshold of less than 0.01 THC.Nutritional Information: While our gummies come in a variety of formulations, they all have certain nutritional information in commonHow Many CBD Gummies Should I Eat?All of our vegan CBD gummies have a recommended serving size of two gummies (25 mg CBD each, 50 mg CBD per serving). That said, if this is your first time taking CBD, we recommend beginning with one gummy to see how you react to the CBD. If you seem to be getting all the CBD effects you desire, stop there. If you feel like you need more, then the next time you take CBD gummies, go ahead and try two.CBD Gummies for Pain, Sleep & StressIn addition to its many wellness benefits, CBD can also have a calming effect on the mind and body. In daily wellness products, such as CBD Multivitamin Gummies, the complementary ingredients make use of those calming properties to give mental focus without physical sluggishness. But with CBD Sleep Gummies, the additional ingredients intensify those calming effects and help the body prepare for sleep. As a result, CBD sleep products are quite effective in helping you not only fall asleep quickly, but also to sleep uninterrupted through the night.Many adults take CBD for minor pain, and it’s worth trying CBD if you’re experiencing minor muscle and joint pain. Likewise, CBD has many calming qualities that many find useful in combating stress. Many people find CBD Gummies particularly convenient for keeping in a handbag or backpack, just in case their nerves start kicking in. Gummies are a quick, convenient way to experience the calming effects of CBD.Why Buy CBDfx’s Gummies?All of our CBD gummies contain naturally grown CBD and all-natural ingredients (no GMOs or pesticides!). We also use safe extraction processes, so you never have to worry about solvent residues, as in cheaper CBD products. The result is a pure, safe, and potent CBD experience. This purity and potency can be verified by lab reports created by independent, third-party laboratories (called a Certificate of Analysis, or COA), which are available on our website. Your safety and satisfaction is our primary concern at CBDfx!Are CBDfx’s CBD Gummies Vegan?Yes! We only use natural vegetable-based ingredients in our CBD oil gummies, so you can rest assured that your gummy isn’t just organically grown — it’s also vegan!How Long Do CBD Gummies Last?CBD gummies are considered CBD edibles, which means the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream through your digestive tract. While this takes the CBD a bit longer to kick in than, say, a sublingual CBD oil, the benefit is that the effects can last as long as six to eight hours. But be patient, CBD gummies, pills and other edibles can take 30 minutes to two hours to fully kick in, depending on bioavailability factors.CBD Gummies Vs CBD Oil Drops: What’s The Difference?As noted above, CBD gummies are considered edibles. That means the CBD is absorbed into your bloodstream through your digestive system, which can take between 30 minutes and two hours, depending on bioavailability factors (height, weight, body mass, and other variables). Once the CBD effects kick in, though, they can last as long as six to eight hours.CBD oil tinctures are absorbed through the capillaries under the tongue. This allows the CBD to enter your bloodstream much quicker (sometimes as quickly as 15 minutes). But the effects of a sublingual CBD oil typically last from two to six hours — less than the effects of CBD edibles.Can CBD Gummy Products Get You High?The oil we use in our CBD sweets is extracted from hemp, the low-THC form of cannabis. And CBD, itself, is non-intoxicating. So, our CBD gummies can’t get you high. All of our CBD products are formulated for wellness and fall within the UK legal threshold of less than 0.01 THC.Can You Take CBD Edibles For Sleep?In addition to its many wellness benefits, CBD can also have a calming effect on the mind and body. Blended with other effective ingredients, as in our CBD Sleep Gummies, CBD can be ncredibly beneficial as a sleep aid.Can You Take CBD Edibles For Pain?CBD can be taken for relief from minor pain.Can You Take CBD Edibles For Stress?CBD has calming properties that people find useful for easing stress.Can CBD Gummies Make You Fail A Drug Test In The UK?Our CBD gummies are all made with broad spectrum CBD, which has all detectable amounts of THC removed (THC being the cannabinoid most drug tests scan for). You should be okay using CBD gummies, however CBD can build up, over time, in your system. So, there is a small chance for a false positive result for people who regularly take CBD gummies. Here’s a handy guide to CBD and drug tests.I’ve Never Tried CBD Gummies. What Can I Expect?

  • These reputable brands are recognised for their dedication to quality, transparent sourcing and manufacturing practices, as well as positive feedback from customers. However, it is vital to consider that the optimal selection for you may be influenced by your personal preferences and specific necessities.It’s advisable to explore different brands and read reviews to find the best CBD Gummies that align with your needs and taste preferences. 

  • How many CBD gummies should I start with? If you are new to CBD we recommend starting off with a lower dose. Your metabolism and body weight will also determine how many gummies you should take and how long it will take the for it to take effect. All of our packaging comes with recommended guidelines. Are your gummies Vegan? Yes. We’re proud to say that all of our gummies are 100 vegan and made with plant-based ingredients and do not contain any animal products or by products. How do CBD gummies work? Taking our edibles is convenient, efficient, and effective method for introducing the potential benefits of cannabidiol into your body. The cannabinoids in gummies are processed through your digestive system and interact with receptors located throughout your body. Are CBD gummies safe to take? In the UK, CBD gummies are classified as food supplements, so they must abide by the same regulations as other products within this category. This requires all ingredients to be safe and for clear labelling to be present, along with a straightforward description that accurately reflects the product being sold. How long does it take CBD Gummies to kick in? We get asked a lot about how long it takes for our gummies to kick in, and the the answer is, it can vary from person to person. Factors like your body weight, metabolism, and the strength and dosage of the gummies can all play a role. But in general, you can expect to start feeling the effects within 30 minutes to an hour after eating them. It’s important to keep in mind that the effects can last for several hours, so be patient and give them some time to work their magic. We recommend starting with a lower dosage and gradually increasing until you find what works best for you. What do CBD Gummies do to your body? ccording to a recent report by Harvard University, there is some evidence to show that CBD gummies can improve a number of issues, ranging from stress to helping you switch off at night. Try them for yourself and always speak to a doctor first!Can you get high from taking CBD gummies? A question our customer services team often gets asked is: Can you get high from CBD gummies? The answer is No. Our gummies are specifically formulated to contain 0 THC. THC is the compound that’s responsible for the psychoactive effects that you would associate with marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive compound that doesn’t cause any of the mind-altering effects.

  • These reputable brands are recognised for their dedication to quality, transparent sourcing and manufacturing practices, as well as positive feedback from customers. However, it is vital to consider that the optimal selection for you may be influenced by your personal preferences and specific necessities.It’s advisable to explore different brands and read reviews to find the best CBD Gummies that align with your needs and taste preferences. 

  • How to take CBD Gummies for the best results: There are many benefits of CBD Gummies, but the question of how to take them is still a bit mysterious. Here are some of the most common questions and answers.You can also read more about their ingredients. You may also be interested in how to take them at work. After all, how can CBD gummy help you in the office? Let’s find out! Keep reading! Then, you will be able to decide if they are for you!  Taking CBD Gummies with you to work is a convenient way to boost your energy levels and combat anxiety. These tasty treats do not take up much space and will not disturb your day. Besides, there are no obvious side effects that will draw attention to your consumption.These tasty Gummies are as harmless as any other supplement or medication. So, you can use them without worrying about being judged or ridiculed. CBD is an effective pain reliever. When taken regularly, these Gummies can significantly boost your energy levels. It has been shown that CBD improves the ECS, which regulates sleep-wake cycles. This in turn leads to less pain.CBD Gummies offer a delicious way to boost your energy levels and get the rest you need at work. For optimal results, use a single dose every day CBD Gummies are a popular way to supplement your CBD intake. They are made from hemp extracts and come in a variety of flavours. CBD Gummies dosing:osing depends on your body’s tolerance to cannabidiol (CBD) and how much you’re willing to consume. They are easy to take, but the proper dosage for you will depend on your weight and the strength of the gummy.CBD is a compound extracted from the hemp plant, a member of the cannabis plant family. CBD is extracted from the hemp plant and is known as CBD oil. Dosage will depend on the desired effects. The recommended dose for adults is 0.25mg to 0.5mg per kilogram of body weight. Regular CBD dosages will improve immune function, limit environmental hypersensitivity, and reduce minor discomfort.You can double your dosage to 0.5mg every 8 hours or up to twice a day. If you feel like you need more CBD, you can double or triple it. To take CBD in gummies, you can either take one or two gummies once or twice a day.  Taking CBD Gummies with you everywhere:

  • Your CBD experience will rely greatly on a number of factors. These include personal bioavailability factors (such as height, weight, and body mass), the strength of your CBD oil product, and the supporting ingredients. In general, CBD has a gentle calming effect for the mind and body. In CBD oil sweets, containing ingredients to boost energy or nutrition, that calming effect can help to focus the mind. In relaxation-based products, that calming effect can be more pronounced — especially CBD products formulated for sleep.Is CBD Legal In The UK?Yes! CBD is legal in the UK, provided the product contains less than 0.2 THC as measured by dry weight.

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

  • Hi, It has come to our attention that you are using our client’s photographs on your site without a valid licence. We have already posted out all supporting documents to the address of your office. Please confirm once you have received them. In the meantime, we would like to invite you to settle this dispute by making the below payment of £500. Visual Rights Group Ltd, KBC Bank London, IBAN: GB39 KRED 1654 8703, 1135 11, Account Number: 03113511, Sort Code: 16-54-87 Once you have made the payment, please email us with your payment reference number. Please note that a failure to settle at this stage will only accrue greater costs once the matter is referred to court. I thank you for your cooperation and look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Visual Rights Group Ltd, Company No. 11747843, Polhill Business Centre, London Road, Polhill, TN14 7AA, Registered Address: 42-44 Clarendon Road, Watford WD17 1JJ

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