Nyt studie på Bio+Selen+Zink



Nyt publiseret studie fra Journal of Gastroenterol på Bio-Selen+Zink

Studiet blev påbegyndt i 1988, og afsluttet 4 år senere. Resultatet var en over 40% reduktion af adenomas i endetarmen. Forskerne vendte tilbage til de mennesker som var med i studiet, 13 år senere og de kunne stadig se en 40% reduktion i gruppen som havde fået Selen+zink.Forskerne som kommer fra Det Nationale institut for Cancer Forskning i Genoa, udtaler selv på deres web-site:”Our results indicated that individuals who consumed antioxidants had a 40 per cent reduction in the incidence of metachronous adenomas of the large bowel,” states researcher Luigina Bonelli, MD, researcher at the National Institute for Cancer Research in Genoa, Italy, in a news report.”It is noteworthy that the benefit observed after the conclusion of the trial persisted through 13 years of follow up.”


“Our study is the first intervention trial specifically designed to evaluate the efficacy of the selenium-based antioxidant compound on the risk of developing metachronous adenomas,” said Luigina Bonelli, M.D., head of the unit of secondary prevention and screening at the National Institute for Cancer Research, in a statement to the media. 40% reduced risk The research team studied volunteers between the ages of 25 and 75 who had already had one or more colorectal adenomas removed. None of the participants were diagnosed with any additional colorectal disease, cancer or other life-threatening illness and none were taking vitamins or mineral supplements when the study began. The scientists randomly divided the 411 participants into two groups: those in one group received an inactive placebo and those in the second group took a daily antioxidant supplement containing a selenium compound (selenomethionnine 200 ug), zinc 30 mg, vitamin A 6,000 IU, vitamin C 180 mg and vitamin E 30 mg. “Our results indicated that individuals who consumed antioxidants had a 40% reduction in the incidence of metachronous adenomas of the large bowel,” Bonelli said.


For Pharma Nord var et en overraskelse da vi for små to år siden fik en besked fra Bonelli om at hun havde set på den gamle forsøgsgruppe igen, og at hun efter 13 år stadig kunne se en signifikant forskel på placebo og verum grupperne. Det er dermed det længst varende antioxidant-studie på forbyggelse af endetarms-cancer, påbegyndt i 1988 og nu med en ny publikation i 2012.Pharma Nord har i 1988 til 1992 leveret placebo og Bio-Selen+zink tabletter til studiet, ellers har vi ikke været i forbindelse med forskerne i Genoa før de præsenterede dette resultat.

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