Author: Marianne Palm


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Studier om virkningen af Nasaleze mod høfeber

  • K Vlahtsis, clinical study of Nasaleze for relief of allergy symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, itchy and watery eyes:

    All 40 participants in this study were using a pharmaceutical treatment (decongestants, corticosteroids and anti-histamines) for their hayfever at the beginning of this study.

    Participants were asked to discontinue the use of their pharmaceutical treatments and use Nasaleze only.

    After 3 weeks of use 85% of participants realized improvement in their allergy symptoms. After 6 weeks of use, 90% of participants realized improvement in their symptoms.

    This study was presented at the PanHellenic Conference of ENT Specialists on 19th March 2004

Rødvins mange gode sider

Forskere verden over bliver mere og mere interesseret i at studere rødvins mange egenskaber, hvor et af næringsstofferne i den røde drue, resveratrol, har vist at kunne forebygge en lang række sygdomme, bl.a. kræft, åreforkalkning, blodpropper, gigt og autoimmune sygdomme.

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