
Q10 kan hjælpe folk med metabolisk syndrom

Flere og flere mennesker i den vestlige verden får type-2 diabetes, men når forinden at lave en ”mellemlanding” ved at udvikle en tilstand, der kaldes for metabolisk syndrom – eller syndrom X. er en kombination af bugfedme, forhøjet kolesterol- og triglyceridniveau, forhøjet blodtryk, nedsat insulinfølsomhed og forstyrrelser i blodsukkeret. Hvis man ikke reagerer på dette, kan syndrom X udvikle sig til type-2 diabetes, men nu har iranske forskere offentliggjort en undersøgelse, som viser, at stoffet coenzym Q10 kan hjælpe.

Q10 studie fra Institute of Cosmetics i Slovenien

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural constituent of foods and is also often used in both functional foods and supplements. In addition, it is a common ingredient of cosmetics where it is believed to reduce the signs of skin ageing. However, the existing data about the effect of dietary intake of CoQ10 on skin parameters and condition are scarce. To gain an insight into this issue, we conducted a double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment with 33 healthy subjects. Our objective was to investigate the effects of 12 weeks of daily supplementation with 50 and 150 mg of CoQ10 on skin parameters and condition. Study was conducted with a water-soluble form of CoQ10 with superior bioavailability (Q10Vital® ). While the results of some previous in vitro studies showed possible protection in UVB response, we did not observe significant changes in the minimal erythema dose (MED). On the other hand, the intake of CoQ10 limited seasonal deterioration of viscoelasticity and reduced some visible signs of ageing. We determined significantly reduced wrinkles and microrelief lines, and improved skin smoothness. Supplementation with CoQ10 did not significantly affect skin hydration and dermis thickness. © 2016 BioFactors, 2016.